The Toughest Job

I believe that the best and toughest job in the world is the same. This job is being a parent. It is exciting to see Jane learning so many new things. She talks all the time and sometimes I do not have a clue what she is saying. My oldest daughter who always complains that math is hard recently brought home two math test with a 100% and she is so proud of the grade. Emma is also starting on her science project which she is excited about. When my children are excited and happy, it brings joy to me. On the other hand, it is difficult to see a child who is struggling. It is difficult to hear my kindergartener say that no one will sit by her on the bus or at lunch. She often sits on a bench at recess by herself too. This breaks my heart to see her so sad. I wish I could take all her sadness away but as a parent I can not do that. This makes being a parent the toughest job in the world.


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