Stay at home dad

When my oldest daughter was a baby, I was a stay at home dad when she was 6-weeks old. I remember the fond memories of my daughter crying day and night. It is pretty sad that is pretty much all I remember during that the time...the crying. One time I called my mother-in-law at work to ask if she could help me with her crying granddaughter. I could not handle her crying any longer.

Nine years later and two more daughters, I am a stay at home dad again. My wife has been hired as full-time office worker at a local business. This time I have three daughters 9, 5, and almost 1. This time, my experience as a stay at home dad will be different. It has been a week so far and I am enjoying being home with my children. Let's see if the "I AM BORED", CAN I, or I AM HUNGRY drives me crazy like my oldest daughter's crying did nine years ago.


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