I Need Help

My job as a stay at home has become a little easier - or has it? My oldest daughter went on vacation with her grandparents to Shaver Lake and Oregon. She is also planning on staying with her Aunt, Uncle, and cousins for a while. This will make two daughters at home with me. My oldest daughter and middle child fight a lot, so I thought with her gone it would make things easier for me. WRONG!

I did not realize how much my oldest daughter does to help me at home. First, my daughter unloads the dishwasher, and she seems to enjoy unloading the dishes just as much as I do! I cannot seem to keep up with the dishes. It seems like I am loading and unloading every day. Second, my daughter sits on the floor with our one year year and plays with her while I try to get some housework done. I cannot let my middle child to do this because she seems to always make her mad. A funny thing about that is that she can make the baby laugh like no one else can.

I want my daughter to come home and help me. She is a big help. It is not easier with only two children home.


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