Central-Hower Class of 1990

A few days ago, I signed up on facebook. It is fun to connect with classmates from Central-Hower High School. I think it is kind of sad that the high school does not exist any more because the university bought the school. I never stayed in contact with any high school classmates. I am not sure why I didn't except for the fact that I was very quiet and did not really make any close friends.

I started thinking about experiences I had in high school particularly with those classmates on my facebook. I was never good at sports so PE was not a subject that I was good at. It is funny that PE is a lot students favorite subject. I remember one particular day that in PE class, we were playing basketball. Of course, I was one of the last to be picked on a team. Jed was the team captain. As we were playing, another classmate, Stephanie, told Jed to give me the ball. I made a couple of shots but missed most of them I believe. I enjoyed that day because because other classmates were involving me even if I was bad at basketball.

If anyone sees this blog that attended Central-Hower, take a look at this website http://centralhowereagles.ning.com/


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